Monday, December 31, 2007

Jesse Zhu

Oi, talking in third person? I think Jesse is the kind of person who will choose to stay in the car while mom goes into grocery stores, even though streetlights flicker and beautiful madmen with lethal narcotics under their tongue linger in dark corners. Favorite color (eh how cliche) is D.N.E. because if she slip and fall from a cliff none of the pigments in the sunset would save her. Oh and earth fast forwards but you still gotta pay pay-per-view, lovers are lost while losers love, and Sid Vicious is dead. The world is too imperfect but Jesus is more than enough.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Welcome Esther Lin

CG.Drama welcomes Esther Lin to its ranks!

There is drama this Sunday

Drama will be meeting at the usual time: 2:30p this Sunday (12/30).

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Betsy Chao

my name's Betsy, I'm just fo teen
don't get me wrong, I'm a writing machine.

y'know, being a drama queen ain't that easy.
when you're onstage, you start feelin' queasy.

that's why I like to write, it just comes out.
when you're holding a pencil, there ain't no doubt.

as for my origins_
I'm not chingchang, I'm Taiwanese
if you think bad of me, ninja please.

s'alright, that's pretty much it.
I'll tell you more as I see fit.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Google Group Active

We finished our migration over to Google Groups from Yahoo Groups. We will officially start using the new list after this Sunday. The Yahoo Group will still be around, but we won't be using it as much.

Right off the bat, I like the inclusion of calendar and files in Yahoo Groups. I don't really understand why they can't integrate Google Calendar into the group. The files aren't stored as neatly as in Yahoo Groups. It doesn't seem like you can send notifications that the file has been uploaded. Nor can you organize the files into folders for easier browsing and navigation. Both of these are fairly minor quips, since we mainly use the group as a mailing list.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Team! Enjoy the time with your families.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Out of Town on 12/21-22

I'll be out of town Friday & Saturday (12/21-22). I should be back Sunday morning. Hit me on the cell.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Alumni Lunch on 12/23

I want to try to have lunch with the alumni and college folks on Sunday.

No practice on 12/23

No practice this Sunday.

Check the calendar for all future dates.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's Time

Written and directed by: Wey Wang

Rick: Bo Wang
Brian: Preston Chang

Camera: Wey Wang
Editing: Wey Wang
Production Assistants: Betsy Chao, Joanne Horng, Jimmy Lu

Special thanks to: Alex Liu

One Body

Paul said that we are the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:14-27, Paul talks about how we all have different gifts, skills and talents. As one body, Jesus needs to be the heart of whatever ministry you're doing.

Just like it would be difficult to lift something without shoulders or elbows, the body of Christ has different roles that are important for its function. If you have a great idea, but you don't have hands, you wouldn't be able to implement it. Just like if you don't have a mouth, you won't be able to tell people your ideas.

In the same way, when you do drama, every role is vital. Whether you're grip, directors, editor, writer, cinematographer, actor, or whatever role, you are an important part of the ministry.

But no matter what you do, if Christ isn't at the center, it's just busy work.

What's in a name?

Today, we spent some time thinking about the name "CG.Drama" and trying to decide whether we should keep CG standing for "Common Ground". After about 20-30 minutes, we decided that the old name was still the best.

CCCNJ 1 Hour Delay

CG.Drama will start at 3pm today. And end at 4pm.

Boba Nite 4 is part of YG curriculum

Jeff and I met with David and Jamie this morning to talk about the high school curriculum
for next year. I'm proud to say that Boba Nite 4 was a key part to what we'll be doing next year, which is really cool!

Looking forward to signing some acts and getting this thing rolling.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Love Angle - Saranghe

Written, directed, and produced by: Wey Wang

Jay: Dan Lin
Ken: Andrew Chen
Lana: Jeannie Huang
Dave: Bo Wang

Slate: Mike Tang
Camera: Andrew Chen & Wey Wang
Editing: Wey Wang

Mysterious Ticking Noise, Asianmix

Directed by: Wey Wang

Snape: Dan Lin
Dumbledore: Brian Wong
Ron Weasley: Bo Wang
Herminy: Amanda Shen
Harry Potter: Charissa Shen
Voldemort: Jeannie Huang

Camera: Wey Wang


Written, directed, and produced by: Wey Wang

Lucas: Bo Wang
Aaron: Dan Lin
Jamie: Andrew Chen
Natasha: Charissa Shen
Kara: Wendy Chang
Jules: Wey Wang

Camera: Johnny Lee
Editing: Wey Wang

Popular - Ep03 - Why Me?


Written, directed, and produced by: Wey Wang

Ash: Bo Wang
Kasey: Kathy Chang
Mich: Pat Ma
Trey: Vincent Chang
Blake: Ryan Chao
Diana: Vicky Huang
Randi: Charissa Shen

Camera: Todd Chen

Popular - Ep02 - Smart Dating

Written, directed, and produced by: Wey Wang

Ash: Bo Wang
Kasey: Kathy Chang
Mich: Pat Ma
Trey: Vincent Chang
Blake: Ryan Chao
Diana: Vicky Huang
Randi: Charissa Shen

Camera: Todd Chen

Popular - Ep01 - Home Hurts

Written, directed, and produced by: Wey Wang

Ash: Bo Wang
Kasey: Kathy Chang
Mich: Pat Ma
Trey: Vincent Chang
Blake: Ryan Chao
Mich's dad: Tony Lim

Camera: Todd Chen

Friday, December 14, 2007

CG.Drama Services

Shorts and Music Videos
The main service is to produce independent short films and music videos. These works will primarily be written by the team. Although we welcome others to submit their scripts to us for consideration.

Live Performances
Our main focus will be on video work, but that doesn't mean we're going to be giving up our roots. We still intend on producing a few live sketches. We are also available to perform by request. We require 4-6 weeks notice, depending on piece, if we are asked to perform something from our existing catalog. We will require 6-8 weeks notice to write and prepare new original material.

Event Coverage
CG.Drama will also support efforts to cover other events, such as: retreats, holiday celebrations, and social gatherings. This will be subject to CG.Drama's vailability and 2 weeks notice.

Church Support

I met with Fred Huang today for lunch to talk about our ministry and some details about the budget. It was a great meeting. It was awesome to hear that he was willing to support us and to be an advocate of purchasing some real video equipment for the church.

They will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the budget, but we have already been promised that our needs for Boba Nite 4 will be covered, along with some t-shirts for the team and money for food and such.

Whether we actually get the camera and tripod, that's going to be a different story. We'll have to wait until after the meeting to find out. Still, I'm hopeful.

God's finally answered my prayers for CG.Drama! It's amazing!

All Members

Able Zhu
Alex Voo
Andrew Chen
Becky Pigott
Betsy Chao
Bo Wang
Christal Liaw
Charissa Shen
Dave Teng
Dan Lin
Jeannie Huang
Jesse Zhu
Jimmy Lu
Joanne Horng
Joyce Chen
Kathy Chang
Ken Kwoh
Matt Liaw
Melody Chen
Mike Tang
Nancy Chan
Patrick Ma
Preston Chang
Peter Lee
Nancy Chan
Ryan Chao
Sean Pham
Spencer Chen
Stephanie Jou
Stephen Ding
Todd Chen
Tony Lim
Vicki Huang
Vincent Chang
Vivian Lin
Wendy Cheng
Wey Wang

Thursday, December 13, 2007

CG.Drama Directions

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Charissa Shen

Randi from the hit Popular

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got twist-turned upside down
And I liked to take a minute
Just sit right thar
I'll tell you how I became Randi from the hit Popular

In Randolph, New Jersey born and raised
On the cheer mat is where I spend most of my days
Chillin' out flyin' all up in the air
And flippin' and tumblin' like I just don't care
But I can't forget that my grades still gotta be good
I got a reputation of straight A's in my neighborhood
I spend a lot of time hangin’ with my school friends
But also with kids from the youth group I attend

On a Friday night service around midyear
A guy named Patrick just magically appeared
If anything all he said was come on join drama

And I thought 'Sure alright' - 'Let me just ask my mama!'

Right at first all they told me was ‘You’ll be the ugly tree’

Then Wey straightened it out ‘Nah you can be Randi’

I looked at the lower grange, no one was yet thar
So I’ll wait a couple minutes to be Randi from the hit Popular

Patrick Ma

Soundtrack of my life: "This is Why I’m Hot" My toes get cold easily. Once in middle school, my gum melted in my mouth. Baby blue is a divine color. I bet heaven is baby blue. Furry animals are cute, just not furry humans, well for the most part... My body is righteous because my hips don’t lie. As a foolish toddler, I stopped eating pork after watching Babe. I now consider myself a world class carnivore. I redefined drop it like it’s hot when I dropped a baby that pooped on me. BUT THAT WAS YEARS AGO! LET ME BABYSIT! Don’t ask me out, because I’m always in. I don’t walk it out, I Jesus walk through wall it out. I’m serious about everything in life. Really. I’m serious.

Kathy Chang

Trust me. This star's acting needs no assurance and she likes herself already anyway. Her performances in "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "The House of Flying Daggers" were her stairway to fame and what mortal can glance away from her notorious puffing cheeks? Busy with being a typical student, but nonetheless a surprisingly special girl, she jumps incessantly and sings Disney songs. However, her schedule should not drive you away for she is outgoing enough to talk to a "stranger" and has some free early Saturday mornings. So, go on and get to know her. Perhaps your experience may parallel a mouse tasting but the surface of the most delicious cheese mountain ever piled together although Kathy herself would probably prefer blue cheese.

Vincent Chang

Vincent has recently been residing in Livingston, New Jersey. He currently attends Rutgers University. During his free time away from CG.Drama, he enjoys volleyball, basketball, and just hanging out with his friends.

His repertoire of performances include: Triple Helix, Decision Time, Costly Blood, Fulcrum, The Eagle Has Landed, Lampstand, and Popular.

Bo Wang

In the summer of 2006, Bo joined the drama team. Actually, one of the group members volunteered him into the team. He had previous training with drama when he took a mandatory Drama course in 6th grade, but he forgot most of what he learned. The only thing he remembers is to not backstage the audience, so you won't see him doing that. Bo has been compared to George Clooney, Tom Cruise, and Brad Pitt, by the Nightly Dream Post. The Dream Post also states that Bo brought about a new method of acting, by using the stresses and problems of life he faces. In his spare time, Bo likes to play guitar, eat, sleep and sometimes do his homework. His biggest passion is memorizing his lines before everyone else does.

Members of 2007-2008

Able Zhu
Betsy Chao
Bo Wang
Jesse Zhu
Jimmy Lu
Joanne Horng
Nancy Chan
Preston Chang
Quentin Chan
Sean Pham
Stephanie Jou
Stephen Ding
Vivian Lin
Wey Wang

All members, past and present

CG.Drama Vision

The vision for CG.Drama is to produce relevant and compelling drama for today's audience.

Why relevant?
No one wants to hear a story that doesn't matter to them. In order for us to direct people towards God, God needs to matter. Our goal is to make God relevant again. Everyone is searching for answers and we're not saying we have all the answers. But we affirm that God has all the answers. Especially for the deepest questions of our soul.

Why compelling?
Drama should be entertaining and interesting. It should elicit either an emotion or a response. We want the audience to be engaged in our work and to ask questions about themselves: Who am I? Why am I here? What's the point in life? What do I care about? In the same way that Jesus used stories and parables to convey truth, we strive to do the same with the works we produce.

Whether it be through live action or on video. The end is still the same. How can we glorify God more?

CG.Drama History

CG.Drama, started as the youth drama ministry at CCCNJ in the fall of 2001 by Founder David Teng; in an effort to foster the arts in the church and as a tool to lead audience members to ask questions about Truth.

During the first year, the drama team met on Friday nights after Youth Group and was, unofficially, christened, “Drama bin Laden” by some of its members. They spent the first semester training and preparing the team to perform. Although they were given very short notice, its first performance was the mime, King of Hearts directed by David Teng, performed before a crowd of hundreds at the CCCNJ Chinese New Years Celebration in January 2002.

The drama team’s second year saw its numbers virtually double, its practices moved to a new place and time, and the inception of a name. In the Fall of 2002, the Children’s Ministry of CCCNJ asked the drama team to perform something based on the story of the “good Samaritan” for the children. Wey Wang wrote the drama team’s first sketch, Lampstand directed by David Teng, which featured the unforgettable “paste scene”. It was during this time that the drama team finally decided on its next name: Soul Purpose. Towards the end of production for Lampstand that Soul Purpose’s current leader, Tony Lim, joined the team to assist in leadership responsibilities.

In December of 2002, one of Soul Purpose’s main members, Todd Chen, left to pursue the new CCCNJ dance ministry, “Undignified”.


As 2003 opened, Soul Purpose moved into a classroom on the first floor of CCCNJ and began meeting on Sunday afternoons. Again, Soul Purpose was asked to perform at the CCCNJ Chinese New Years Celebration. This time, they performed the passion mime Decision Time directed by David Teng. Due to the performance’s powerful impact on audiences, Soul Purpose would later perform this same mime during Easter Sunday service, at the First Light concert at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, and at service for the Good Will Missions Men’s Shelter in Newark.

In August of 2003, the Common Grounds arts ministries: Soul Purpose, Undignified, and Broken Strings, put together an evangelical night called “Boba Nite”. During which, Soul Purpose performed improve as well as the sketch Costly Blood adapted by Mike Tang and directed by David Teng.

The first semester of the 2003-2004 year, Soul Purpose’s third year, was one of the hardest for the team. With 15 members now, Soul Purpose ventured on its most difficult production yet, Perspectives, the self-written piece of acting achieved entirely through monologues. During this time, Soul Purpose’s founder and leader, David Teng, had to leave the team for personal reasons; Tony Lim and Wey Wang assumed positions of leader and assistant leader respectively.

For Christmas, Soul Purpose performed its first sketch designed to introduce a sermon during Sunday service; Triple Helix written by Wey Wang and directed by Tony Lim.

After Triple Helix, Soul Purpose shifted into high gear in preparation for Perspectives in March. During the interim months, Soul Purpose continued to struggle to pull things together for its biggest show to date. Finally, performance day arrived and Soul Purpose, along with Undignified, were able to put on a great show.

In fall of 2004, we produced a series of sketches: Fulcrum, written and directed by Wey Wang, Backup Girls, written by Wey Wang and directed by Mike Tang, Run Away, written and directed by Joyce Chen, and The Perfect Kiss, written and directed by Wey Wang. Along with Undignified, we put forth Boba Nite 2, which was a rousing success. It was also during this time that we decided to form a new organization to over see all the arts ministries in the church: Common Ground. Tony Lim was promoted as director of Common Ground, while Wey Wang was promoted to director of Soul Purpose, now renamed to Common Ground Drama, or CG.Drama. Likewise, Undignified was renamed to CG.Dance and Broken Strings was renamed to CG.Music.

In the meantime, Dan Lin and Joyce Chen began working on a one hour play. We started rehearsing in the Spring in preparation for Boba Nite of the Living Dead (aka Boba Nite 3). As all three teams prepared for the show, it became clear that no one was ready to put on a show other than CG.Drama. It was then that we decided to change the name of the show to Irreplaceably Precious, after the title of the play. CG.Dance and CG.Music would help CG.Drama by serving as stage crew.

Unfortunately, this was also the darkest era for CG.Drama. We were under tremendous stress and spiritual attack. It was decided among the leadership that the best idea was to cancel the show. After months of preparation, the team was heartbroken, but agreed with the decision. To this today, we look back and wonder what that show would’ve been like.

Fall of 2005, Wey Wang stepped down briefly to let Becky Pigott direct CG.Drama. We spent this first semester feeling out a new format, where we would come up with our own mimes to music.

In the Spring, we settled on a story and developed New Day, our first silent work since King of Hearts. Common Grounds didn’t have enough material to put on its own show, so we joined with United to support them. CG.Music no longer had a leader and disbanded. CG.VisualArts started and stopped. And CG.Dance would perform its last dance.

In Fall of 2006, CG.Drama was the only surviving ministry in the CCCNJ arts program. Undaunted, Wey Wang once again stepped up as director with a new vision. Over the course of the year, Wey Wang wrote a 6 episode miniseries titled: Popular. The story unfolded over a period of 5 months, culminating in our first 2 hour play.

During the Summer of 2007, many CG.Drama alumni came back and were interested to produce something. We decided that we would try and produce our first movie: Love Angle. It was a great learning experience with its own set of challenges and rewards. The movie is still in the final stages of editing, but we’re excited about it.

In the Fall of 2007, CG.Drama decided to continue its foray into digital video with a series of music videos. As we plan and prepare for the revival of Boba Nite, we are confidant in what God is doing with us.

Assignment for 12/16

Find a song that you like (but don't love) and come up with a plot for it. The plot should fit the song and be interesting. Bring the song with you to practice.

CG.Drama Calendar

Here's our live calendar.


Welcome to the new home of CG.Drama! The official drama team of CCCNJ. You will find all the latest news and events right here.
