Sunday, January 27, 2008

Call Sheet for 2/3

Vivian, Stephen, Preston, Jesse, Nancy, Wey

Lower grange, 2pm.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Stephen Ding

Talking about weird, my life is weird. You will find me spending most of my time/life reading the same books over and over again…and again. I just won’t get bored of the same books…ever…unless I read it two times in a row. I tend to internalize my emotions….most of the time… and I will be happy in a few seconds if I’m mad…almost all the time. Basketball is cool, and so is tennis, except that I stink at both…who cares. I spend my time watching animes during vacation…as long as I have nothing else to do. I’m more of a procrastinator…compared to most of my friends. I play violin and don’t ask me how well I play. But I can tell you that I’m pretty good. I usually give people a hint of my secrets and make them swear (not exactly swear, but close to swear anyway) that they won’t tell a soul unless someone “accidentally” lets it slip. If I ever get bored, I just read the bible and try to study it in depth…provided that I use a special bible and I have to feel like reading the bible.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Welcome Vivian Lin!

CG.Drama wants to officially welcome Vivian Lin to the team as an actor.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Call Sheet for 1/27

cast: abel, sean
crew: nancy, jesse, wey

2pm in the lower grange

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Schedules and Deadlines

As we ramp up into production, we're going to have to be more aware of schedules and deadlines.

Schedules are important because they give us expectations and help us plan. We know when our show is. In this case, April 26. So, working backwards, we can see that certain things need to be done by certain dates. Obviously, if we are trying to advertise, a poster that's finished 2 days before the show won't really help.

Sometimes we don't have enough experience, so we can't schedule things. An example would be these music videos. I have no idea how long it's actually going to take to shoot these things. But my gut says that we'll need about 3-4 weeks for each video. As we learn and gain experience we can adjust the schedule accordingly.

Deadlines are there to help you get prepared for the final product. Whether be writing, art, or anything else, a deadline helps everyone else schedule and plan. It's been said that writing is rewriting. Deadlines help reinforce that mentality. It's understood that things take time to develop. Having deadlines puts structure into that development. It also adds discipline.

Dependencies also rely on deadlines. If someone is waiting for your work, missing your deadline might screw them up. Or you may be waiting on someone else and can't move on with your tasks if they haven't finished theirs.

It's understood that things happen so you'll miss deadlines or meetings. For the most part, you guys have been good about letting me know if you can't make a meeting. But try to let me know a week in advance so we can schedule and plan around it. As for deadlines, if the date is coming up, and you feel that you can't make it, just let me, or whomever's in charge, know. I won't get angry. I won't yell at you. It just helps us work around it.

It's been said that you're either early or late. Let's be early.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Expectations on a Shoot

The following are a set of expectations while you are on a shoot.

  • Were you on the call sheet? Only those that are called or asked should go on set. Some locations may not have enough space to accomadate everyone. By bringing only the people who are required, we should keep from tripping over each other's shoes.
  • Are you in the scene? If you are in the scene, wait for the director to say "action", nod, or give some sort of indication to begin. Then wait a two seconds before starting the scene. When you're think you're finished with the scene, do not stop until the director says "cut" or gives an indication the scene is over. Stay in character!
  • Are things the way they were before you got there? Before we leave any location, whether it be church or someone's house, it is imperative that we leave it the way we found it. Moved furniture, items that we brought, garbage that we generated. We want to be courteous and a good witness so we will be welcomed back.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Call for 1/20

Abel Zhu, Sean Pham, Nancy Chan, Wey Wang, Preston Chang

Weekly Calls

After our shoot today, it's apparent that 1.5 hours isn't enough to
shoot everything. In an effort to try and everything done in a
reasonable time frame, we're going to do weekly calls. What that
means, is that I will send out an email with who we will need for the
shoot this coming Sunday. If your name is on the list, be at the drama
room at 2pm. Everyone else will start at the normal time.

Cupid's Chokehold: Day 2

We had our second day of shooting today. We also worked on the robot suit. Originally, I thought it would take 20 minutes. Little did I know that it would take the whole time. But we got some decent footage. Principle photography should take 3-4 weeks.

Thanks to Jimmy for helping out with preproduction stuff. We should be ready to roll into the next project once we're done.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

New Project: Cupid's Chokehold

Yesterday, we started shooting our next project. A music video for "Cupid's Chokehold" by Gym Class Heroes.

Welcome Quentin and Nancy Chan

CG.Drama is proud to welcome Quentin and Nancy Chan to the team. Quentin will be working with our resident visual artists to produce a marketing campaign for our next big show. Nancy will be our new Director of Photography.

Welcome to the team guys!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Love Angle


writer & director: Wey Wang
editor: Wey Wang
producer: Wey Wang
director of photography: Andrew Chen
Lana: Jeannie Huang
Jay: Dan Lin
Kira: Charissa Shen
Dave: Bo Wang
Ken: Andrew Chen
Danny: Mike Tang
Amanda: Amanda Shen
production assistant: Jack Chiang
production assistant: Mark Chung
production assistant: Wendy Chang
production assistant: Kathy Chang
production assistant: Mike Tang
production assistant: Amanda Shen
very special thanks: Nancy Chan
special thanks: Mr. & Mrs. Shen
special thanks: Katrina Chang Liu
most thanks: God