Monday, January 14, 2008

Expectations on a Shoot

The following are a set of expectations while you are on a shoot.

  • Were you on the call sheet? Only those that are called or asked should go on set. Some locations may not have enough space to accomadate everyone. By bringing only the people who are required, we should keep from tripping over each other's shoes.
  • Are you in the scene? If you are in the scene, wait for the director to say "action", nod, or give some sort of indication to begin. Then wait a two seconds before starting the scene. When you're think you're finished with the scene, do not stop until the director says "cut" or gives an indication the scene is over. Stay in character!
  • Are things the way they were before you got there? Before we leave any location, whether it be church or someone's house, it is imperative that we leave it the way we found it. Moved furniture, items that we brought, garbage that we generated. We want to be courteous and a good witness so we will be welcomed back.

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